Friday, January 1, 2010

One day with 20C 0J6JJ4 A ten rupee note EPISODE II

I was in the middle of these stainless steel metal pieces, which actually were making a loud noise. I would have rather stayed inside a bank locker, taking all the dust without any adventure than in the small box. The box in which I stayed was opened once in a while, more guys were pushed in and a few were also taken out. I was yearning for my turn to jump out.
This time when the door opened, I was able to see the sun shining. It was dawn and the number of times the door opened increased, also was the figure or paper and stainless steel bodies, inside the box. Every now and then I was able to hear the sound of the shop keeper shouting at some young guys for not washing the glasses and plates neatly. I wondered why he had to scold the lads. I was told, at this age people will send their kids to school. Who knows, I may be in a wrong place.
I was waiting for my chance to get out when all of a sudden was dragged out of the box with my other cousins. I was in a single position, while many others were four folded; I was certain that they would have had a tough time between the steel guys.
We were straightened one after the other and counted. The shop keeper first licked his thumb and started counting from back to front. Luckily I was the last in my denomination to escape from his dirty thumb. After counting twice carefully we were handed over to another person in khaki. “Oh no! Not again in any auto rickshaw”.
The lean small fellow took us towards a Van. He again counted us twice and got into the vehicle, which was a milk van. Now I was inside his pocket with a lot more expectations. However, wasn’t able to think of anything because of this guy’s driving. I heard lot of honks before we reached the destination. Inside his pocket, we were dashing with each other whenever he applied sudden brakes.
He drove the vehicle into a big dairy farm’s garage. I was expecting him to hand us over to his cash manager who would tightly bind us in a plastic tape and send us into a locker. However, now I didn’t want to be inside a locker. He was not going to any cashier at that moment.
He walked outside the farm and crossed the road to reach a tiny shop. He took us out again and started counting. “Oh gosh!!! How many times will he do that”? He just took me out of the bundle and handed over to the shop keeper, saying “2 packets gutka”. Oh my god, I thought it was already banned outside. I moved to the shopkeeper’s hand and before I was put inside another steel box, I was used as a change to another customer a thin college student.
With smokes coming from his mouth, that small guy took me in his hands. He then kept me in a purse. This new shelter was different from the earlier one. I couldn’t find many of my relatives but was able to see many others in different colors.
These guys were thinner and smaller in size and had no much color on them, they were also not printed in two sides like, but all of them were in weak torn condition. While I was wondering who they were, one of the oldest guys among them said, that they were bus tickets…………………… be continued…………….. Episode II

1 comment:

  1. Excellent...old story but a clear new dimension. Language too is good, simple and effective.
    No -ve comments from me.
